Open Source Library for Cities and Metropolitan Areas
Open Source Library for Cities and Metropolitan Areas
Open Source Library for Cities and Metropolitan Areas
Open Source Library from the World Bank
A. Strategic Planning:
1. Competitive Cities: Reshaping the Economic Geography of Romania, 2013
2. The Integrated Urban Development Strategy for the Ploiesti Growth Pole 2014-2020 (Romania), 2016
3. Danube Delta ITI Strategy (Romania), 2015
4. Investment Guide for County Roads (Romania), 2015
5. Investment Guide for Water and Wastewater Infrastructure (Romania), 2015
6. Investment Guide for Rural Local Roads and Social Infrastructure (Romania), 2015
8. Project prioritization: pilot on Alba Iulia (Romania), 2015
9. Cluj-Napoca Housing Strategy, Main Report: Key Takeaways and Path Forward (Romania), 2021
10. Cluj-Napoca Housing Strategy, Supplementary Report: Situation Analysis (Romania), 2021
B. Spatial Planning and Urbanism:
1. Enhancing spatial planning: analysis on Romania, 2013
2. Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure: case study on Prešov Region (Slovakia), 2020
3. Efficient Spatial Planning: case study on Podkarpackie Region (Poland), 2018
4. Spatial Planning for the Wloclawek Functional Urban Area (Poland), 2019
5. Urban Regeneration Guide for Apartment Block Neighborhoods in Constanta (Romania), 2019
6. Guide for Tourism Infrastructure in Constanta (Romania), 2019
7. Cluj County Spatial Plan (Romania), 2021
C. Economic Development and Labor Force:
1. Linking Industry and Research: case study on Banska Bystrica Region (Slovakia), 2020
2. City Competitive Profile: case study on Constanța (Romania), 2021
3. Supporting innovation and entrepreneurship: case study on Podkarpackie Region (Poland), 2018
4. Strengthening Entrepreneurship in the Wloclawek Functional Urban Area (Poland), 2019
7. Magnet Cities : Migration and Commuting in Romania, 2017
D. Social Inclusion:
5. Practical urban solutions for the Ferentari Marginalized Community in Bucharest (Romania), 2021
E. Energy:
1. Improving energy efficiency in major urban areas: case study on Cluj-Napoca (Romania), 2013
2. Energy Efficiency and Anti-Smog in Single Family Buildings: case study on Poland, 2018
F. Transport:
1. Digitalization of Public Transport: case study on Banska Bystrica Region (Slovakia), 2020
2. Rural Public Transport in Zachodniopomorskie (Poland), 2020
G. Environment:
1. Robust, Scalable and Inclusive Clear Air Program (Poland), 2020
H. Governance:
1. Coordination of EU and State Projects in Romania, 2015
2. Catching-Up Regions in Romania, 2019
2.1. Sectors for Inter-Jurisdictional Cooperation, 2019
2.2. Interjurisdicational Cooperation Models, 2021
2.3. Organizational Models for Inter-Jurisdictional Agreements, 2019
2.4. Strategic Requirements for Organizational Models, 2019
2.5. Metropolitan Romania, 2019
3. Catching-Up Regions in Poland, 2019
5. Constanta Financial Sustainability Analysis (Romania), 2020