Discover the Methodological toolkit to improve governance, coordination, planning, and implementation processes across jurisdictional boundaries
The toolkit is the result of the collaboration between DG REGIO and the World Bank and builds on hands-on work with 12 functional areas, during the implementation of the Functional Areas in the EU project (2022-2024). To ensure that valuable insights and experiences gained during the project are shared beyond its immediate scope, the toolkit contains a comprehensive set of insights and recommendations, corresponding to challenges identified through consultations with functional area representatives.
The first toolkit dedicated to functional areas
Functional areas, defined by one or more territorial interdependencies related to economic, social, cultural, or geographical functions, play a key role in achieving cohesion across the EU. In line with the Territorial Agenda 2030 – A future for all places, the toolkit offers essential methodological support to all types of functional areas, recognising their diversity, regardless of available resources and development stage.
Among others, it was developed to guide FAs in the identification of available support instruments to overcome barriers to plan and finance projects across jurisdictional boundaries. It provides a wealth of practical insights, tools, and information, including capacity building and funding opportunities under the EU cohesion policy that can support the functional approach.
While primarily targeted at representatives of functional area governance bodies, the toolkit also aims to inspire and provide guidance to local, regional and national level policy-makers, managing authorities and intermediary bodies.
Structure of the toolkit
The Methodological toolkit complements two other valuable resources developed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in collaboration with DG REGIO: the Handbook of Sustainable Urban Development strategies, and the Handbook of Territorial and Local Development Strategies, with a focus on non-urban areas. Designed to help governance bodies advance cross-jurisdictional cooperation, the toolkit is structured around six building blocks (aligned with the two handbooks): strategic focus, territorial focus, governance and administrative capacity, cross-sectoral integration, funding and finance, and monitoring and evaluation and offers practical tools, insights, and targeted recommendations. As such, it can support FAs and other subnational administrations in developing integrated strategies, identifying flagship projects with supra-local impact, improving participation, strengthening urban-rural linkages, promoting cross-sectoral integration, mobilising funding, and improving monitoring and evaluation processes at the functional area level.
Download the Methodological Toolkit
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Methodological Toolkit:
full report
Functional Areas in the EU: Methodological Toolkit

Methodological Toolkit:
executive summary
Functional Areas in the EU: Methodological Toolkit