The Knowledge Exchange on Tools, Approaches and Best Practices for Integrated Strategic Planning

The Knowledge Exchange on Tools, Approaches and Best Practices for Integrated Strategic Planning Workshop was jointly hosted by DG REGIO and the World Bank, and aimed at presenting tools, approaches, and best practices for integrated strategic planning. It is developed within the “Functional areas in the EU” project with the purpose to facilitate part of a broader goal of the project – to improve the EU-wide approaches on the topic. As such, the event represented the first knowledge exchange activity, and it will be followed by other specific-themed workshops.

To accomplish its objective, representatives of several functional areas together with specialists from the Joint Research Centre and the World Bank presented best practices and tools for integrated strategic planning. Besides exchanging knowledge and best practices, the event also aimed to create synergies in order to better respond to cross-jurisdictional challenges and achieve common development aims.


The “Functional areas in the EU” project encompasses knowledge exchange activities as one of the tools to improve functional area approaches. The planned knowledge exchange activities focus on key topics of relevance to them, and are also a good opportunity to get to know colleagues from across the EU and foster partnerships for achieving common development aims.

The Knowledge Exchange Presentations:

KEA Presentation

Tools Approaches and Best Practices for Integrated Strategic Planning

Trencin, Slovakia

KEA Presentation for Trencin, Slovakia

Kalisko-Ostrowska, Poland

KEA Presentation for Kalisko-Ostrowska, Poland

Oradea, Romania

KEA Presentation for Oradea, Romania

Joint Research Centre

KEA Presentation from JRC

December 8, 2022

1.00 PM (CET time)

Event format:
Online Meeting / Zoom

Event category:
Knowledge Exchange

World Bank Group

View the recording:

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