Takeaways from the The Knowledge Exchange on Approaches for Increased Resilience and the Transition to Climate Neutrality
Discover the main insights from our workshop on approaches for increased resilience and the transition to climate neutrality, which was attended by 106 representatives from various functional areas. This workshop was the last one from a series of knowledge exchange activities organized under the “Functional Areas in the EU” project.
The knowledge exchange commenced with introductory remarks from George Kiayias, DG REGIO Geographical Unit for Greece who discussed about the challenges associated with the implementation of Sustainable Urban Development approach in Greece. His remarks set the stage for further exploration of the complexities involved in ensuring effective implementation of sustainable development practices, increasing resilience, and transitioning towards climate neutrality.
Following the introductory session, Marcel Ionescu-Heroiu, Senior Urban Development Specialist at the World Bank, delivered a presentation on two methodologies and tools used to identify hotspots in West Athens. The presentation placed particular emphasis on the significance of urban heat mapping and the various approaches employed in this process. The session also highlighted the importance of generating data related to present and future heat stress, which played a key role in developing the Resilience Plan for West Athens. Furthermore, the presentation also encompassed the action pathways envisioned to mitigate urban heat in the area.
Next, Dalila Ciuclan, Project Manager at the City of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, took the floor and shared valuable insights into the city’s approach in developing its Action Plan for the Transition to Climate Neutrality. Cluj-Napoca takes great pride in being selected as one of the 100 Climate Neutral Cities by 2030, a prestigious EU initiative that aims to test innovative strategies for a swift transition towards climate neutrality. Among the 377 cities that applied for the mission, Cluj-Napoca is among the 112 selected cities, with 100 cities from the EU. The presentation provided an overview of the national and local context, shedding light on the driving factors that underpin Cluj-Napoca’s commitment to climate neutrality. It delved into the city’s comprehensive transition plan, outlining the ambitious actions that will be undertaken to achieve climate neutrality by 2030. Moreover, the presentation offered a glimpse into the future of Cluj-Napoca through planned projects that will not only contribute to climate neutrality but also enhance the overall quality of life for its residents.
Overall, the workshop fostered an interactive environment where participants engaged in discussions, asked questions, and shared their valuable experiences and perspectives. To fully grasp the concepts presented in this article and delve deeper into topics related to increasing resilience and transitioning to climate neutrality for functional areas in the EU, we encourage you to review the detailed presentation and watch the event recording.
The Knowledge Exchange Presentations:
June 20, 2023
9.00 AM (CET time)
Event format:
Online Meeting
Event category:
Knowledge Exchange
World Bank
View the recording:
Passcode: jzkh#h.9