Advocating for the city of Fierbinţi-Târg to be part of Bucharest – Ilfov Metropolitan Train project – Development of rail connectivity

Finding an efficient solution for:
- linking Fierbinți-Târg City to Bucharest Ilfov Area so that people who commute between home / residence and work to travel in optimal conditions of safety and financial costs
- easy and fast access on the route Fierbinți – Bucharest for people interested in visiting our city, for tourism and recreation purposes.
Introducing the city of Fierbinţi-Târg on the Bucharest – Ilfov Metropolitan Train route even if Fierbinți Târg is a part of Ialomița County

The Bucharest-Ilfov Metropolitan Train project was thought to be a regional rail system, providing a transport service within Bucharest and localities from the Ilfov County. Fierbinți-Târg is part of Ialomița County, so procedural appeared to be very difficult to put Fierbinți-Târg on the Bucharest Ilfov Metropolitan Train route.
But, in a very short period of time the City Hall of Fierbinți-Târg has taken important steps to include the city of Fierbinți-Târg in the project of the Bucharest – Ilfov Metropolitan Train, as follows:
- consultations at the level of the Ilfov County Council.
- consultations at the level of the Intercommunity Development Association (ADI) Public Transport Bucharest – Ilfov.
- consultations at the level of Ialomita County Council.
- consultations at the level of the Railway Reform Authority
- close coordination with the World Bank’s Urban Development team
After all these consultations, which were a success, the Romanian Government approved, at its meeting of December 30, 2021, the Transport Master Plan and the Investment Program for the Development of Transport Infrastructure for the period 2021 – 2030. With the approval of this program by Government Decision, the city of Fierbinți-Târg was included in the project of the Bucharest – Ilfov Metropolitan Train, on the same line as the Snagov commune in the neighbouring county, Ilfov. This connection would reduce travel time to the capital, carbon emissions and make travel safer and predictable, avoiding traffic congestion.
The Bucharest Metropolitan Train project represents a unique development opportunity for the city of Fierbinți-Târg, with double benefits. It will connect the inhabitants of Fierbinți-Târg to the opportunities in Bucharest in an easier and sustainable way and, at the same time, will increase the attractiveness of the city for the inhabitants of Bucharest and the area of influence.